Escalating Costs Demand a Smarter SolutionMaritime Medical Bill Review

The Reny Company specializes in solutions for the maritime and transportation industry, to control medical costs. Reny's Maritime Medical Cost Containment offers our customers a unique turnkey experience that can optimize care, reduces costs, mitigate risk and streamline efficiencies – all made possible through a proven service model and philosophy that delivers continuity, consistency, and predictability. The Reny Company has been working with domestic and international maritime clients & P&I clubs for over 23+ years. Our proprietary Maritime Solutions capitalizes not just on our proven process, but also on the Admiralty Law and Jones Act expertise of our people, which allow us to deliver unparalleled industry results that are true, accurate, and reasonable .

We help our clients navigate the complicated medical claim process by advocating on their behalf through rigorous bill review and direct negotiation with medical providers.

Let Reny handle all your maritime medical cost containment issues

Contact Terry Brown to learn more about Reny’s Maritime offering   

Maritime Medical Bill Review Offerings Include

  • 1 Extensive coding review and repricing
  • 2 Jones Act & Longshore and Habor Act Expertise
  • 3 Proprietary PPO
  • 4 Aggressive fraud detection
  • 5 Automatic fee schedule and law adjustments
  • 6 Seamless referrals to our Specialty Bill Review unit
  • 7 Usual, customary and reasonable review
  • 8 Client Web Portal for bill approval and reports access
  • 9 Contractual provider discount application
  • 10Maritime Case Management
  • 11 Customizable utilization review parameters/flags
  • 12 Administrative Provider Payment Solutions

Reny's Maritime Bill Review is a smarter solution for your maritime cost-containment program.

We help maritime healthcare payers manage the cost of care, mitigate risk and provide greater quality of care.